Sunday, April 18, 2010

verbage peeve

let me start by saying that apparently the word "verbage" isn't a real word in the english language but it is found in the urban dictionary. but if it were a real word it would mean: "word placement, relating to the correct usage of one or more words. Usually used to point out the mistakes of saying something wrong." as in: Marty used bad verbage when she said, "tripiplicated" instead of triplicate.

yesterdays sudden onset of vertigo and nausea got me thinking about how people misuse the word nauseous vs nauseated. so let me break it down for you:

when you say "i feel nauseous.", you are inferring that you cause nausea in others, and perhaps you do. maybe you're so gross, smelly or ugly that upon being in your vicinity people become nauseated... but probably not.

the correct sentence when you feel the urge to hurl is "i feel nauseated."

you're welcome!