setup: The best way to set up the "board" you'll be
playing on is to arrange your furniture and pillows in an "X." For a
really functional flow, we also recommend each "X" be a thin loop so
it's easier to return to the center ("the
Castle" (usually a table). That said, you can set up your
"board" however you want, as long as there's a clear path back to the Castle. All play travels clockwise.
The Castle: The Castle is where the
alcohol lives, the middle of the Castle is
"the King" (a bottle of
liquor) surrounded by "pawns" the soldiers of the secret order (beer/cups
of mixed drinks). As you answer questions and follow the path around the room,
each time you come to the Castle, grab another drink. All players must have at least one drink in hand at
all times but no more than three at once. If you get to the Castle and
already have three drinks, you can't move until you finish one.
Start: To choose teams count to 3. 1, 2, 3 on GO!
raise your right hand to your forehead, displaying a number from 1-5. Anyone
with the same number is on your team (game can be played individually as well).
grabs a beer and shotguns it. The first person to finish their beer is the Knight who kicks off the game.
The Knight starts the game by yelling,
"One two three four JFK!" Everyone responds “FDR!” and must grab a
beer from the castle and quickly retreat to any non-lava surface as the floor
is now lava. (For those who may not know: when the floor is lava no
part of your body may touch the floor and if it does you are dead and are out
of the game. (You may choose shotgun a beer to re-enter the game.)
Play: Once everyone is on their starting point,
there are three ways to advance. The Knight
gets to pick from any of these:
The Count: The
Knight yells, "One, two, three!"
and then everyone must hold a number (between 1-5) on their forehead. If no one
picks the same number as the Knight, players
must each move back a space for every player in the game (Five people playing?
Move back five spaces) the
Knight takes
a drink and advances 2 spaces. If someone picks the same number as
the Knight, that person moves ahead two
spaces and takes a drink, and the Knight
takes a drink and moves back one space for every player who picked the same
number, no one else moves.
Complete a quote: The
Knight chooses to yell out the beginning of
a famous quote and have everyone else finish it. Knight: "We've nothing to fear but..." Players:
"Fear itself!" Everyone who gets the quote right moves ahead one
space and takes a drink, the Knight
also takes a drink. If you get it wrong, move back one space.
Something in common: The
Knight yells out two people, places or
things. The other players must yell out the connection. (Ex: "Jackie
Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe!" Answer: "JFK!" Or:
"Washington, D.C., and the western White House" "George W.
Bush!" {can be pop culture not just political.}) If you get it right, you
move forward two spots and take two drinks, the Knight takes two drinks. Don't know
the answer? Back up two spaces. If you
hadn’t noticed, the Knight always
After each round, a new Knight
must be picked. This can be done any way the group chooses, perhaps by age
or next birthday etc.
Other rules to remember
Multiple people can occupy the same space in game play so
just because someone is on the chair or pillow in front of you doesn’t mean you
can’t be on it too. Don’t fall, the floor is lava!
Each time you finish one drink move ahead two spaces (you must
show that your drink is empty…no cheaters). When you have an empty drink can
(cup) you can choose to yell, "All trash
belongs...," and everyone else answers, "In the junkyard!" then everyone
with an empty can tosses their cans into the nearest receptacle. If you
make the trash can, move forward a spot. TRASH collection is optional when finishing your drink.
At any point the Knight can yell, "JFK!" and everyone must shotgun their
beer. This is why it's important to keep
two beers in hand. If someone follows up with a trash collection and you're
caught without a beer, you've got to move
back to The Castle.
WINNING: Once all the pawns
are gone from the Castle, the next
person to get to the table, finish the beer(s) in their hands and take a swig
from the King is the winner (or for
teams the first person on a team to take the
King is the winning team.)
Below is a quick reference rules sheet once you know what you’re
doing just to remind of rules, spaces forward and back etc.
Reference Sheet:
The Count (1,2,3) (hand to forehead hold up fingers)
Pick the same number as the Knight,
drink and move ahead 2 spaces. The
Knight takes a drink and moves
back 1 space for every player who chose the correct number.
No one picks the correct number,
all players move back the # of spaces
there are players. The Knight drinks and moves ahead 2 spaces.
a Quote
Everyone who gets the quote right
takes a drink and moves ahead one
space, the Knight also takes a drink. If you get it wrong, move back
Something in Common
If you get it right, take two drinks and move forward two spots,
the Knight takes two drinks. Don't know the answer? Back up two spaces.
JFK! If the Knight
yells "JFK!" everyone responds "FDR!" and must shotgun their beer.
The Knight always drinks.
Each time you finish one drink move
ahead two spaces.
Empties: If someone with an empty yells: "All trash
belongs...," everyone else answers, "In the junkyard!" everyone with an empty can
tosses their cans into the nearest receptacle. If you make the trash can, move
forward one spot. (Trash collection optional)
CAUGHT with no beer in hand move back to The
WINNING: Once all the pawns
are gone from the Castle, the next
person to get to the table, finish the beer(s) in their hands and take a swig
from the King is the winner (or for
teams the first person on a team to take the
King is the winning team.)